New Beginning…

New Beginning
New Beginning

We sincerely apologize for the pause in publishing. Our time-out helped us to rethink our motivations, objectives, and calling.

We want to say our commitment to telling the truth fearlessly remain germane. Our new slogan: take no side – tell all sides – is a hint of our renewed commitment to serve you better with the truth and nothing short of the truth.

As the days become weeks and months, we urge you to always remind us of our commitment to the truth and draw our attention whenever you see or perceive any deviation.

We want to thank you for your support in the past as we seek your support again. As a free access publication, the best ways you can support us is to comment, become a volunteer writer or share our articles within your social networks.

Once again, we want to express our gratitude and wish you the best year yet.

Ata Ukuta – Editor

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