May 2022

Unknown Gunmen

Unknown Gunmen And The Monster Igbos Are Romancing

When Al Qaeda and its affiliates were terrorizing the West decades ago, many Muslims rejoiced at their jihadist exploits. There were live-streamed executions and explosives detonations with the murderers uttering Islamic chants to justify their…

Photo by Prince Akachi on Unsplash

Keeping Brains Young

Both offensive and defensive strategies are needed to prevent cognitive aging. By Hara Estroff Marano If you want to keep your brain young—and who doesn’t—your best bet is to inhabit, or design, or tie yourself…

Social Media

Can Logging Off Social Media Improve Mental Health?

New evidence from a randomized clinical trial on shutting off social media. By Alexander Danvers Ph.D. A new, small-scale clinical trial randomly assigned people to stop using social media for a week and compared them…


What We Can All Learn From the War in Ukraine

The horrific experiences of Ukrainians surprised by war can inform our thinking. By Eric Haseltine Ph.D. Krakow Poland, May 2022 “I never thought such a thing was possible,” Dasha told us in the sunlit breakfast…