Why The World Should Support Harry And Meghan

Harry, Meghan, Beyonce and Jay Z
Harry, Meghan, Beyonce and Jay Z

Last week Harry and Meghan paid off the debt they incurred from the renovation of their residence in the United Kingdom. As I read this widely reported story, I was reminded about what the former royals have passed through since their relationship became public. The sensationalized stories in tabloids and even mainstream media in Britain and other parts of the world are enough to destroy many relationships. The betrayals came from everywhere, their siblings, acquaintances, and even friends played their infamous roles. The royal family showed their ruthless side when they squashed Harry’s plan of semi-retirement in favour of stripping him naked of any royal cover.

The media, especially the British press can be given an award for hounding the couple till they had to run to Canada for cover en route to the United States. Thinking about this couple makes me realize that we must all fight for what we hold dear. Many good or beautiful things in life come with addons that can prevent us from enjoying life’s beauty. It has been said that you can complain about the thorns on a rose plant or be grateful for the beautiful flowers on the plant. Much credit must be given to this young couple who have weathered the storm of marriage, the ostracization of the royal family, and are emerging stronger with their son Archie.

When Harry said months ago that he will not allow what happened to his mother Diana to happen to him and his family in a speech that gave a narrative of what they have been going through, I saw in him a man who is truly worthy of kingship. Just like many people out there whose kingdom is just they themselves, their wife, and children, which is the kingdom kingdoms are built on. I believe the best gift a father can give to his children is to continually love their mother. The love, sacrifice, and devotion that Prince Harry has given his family is worthy of celebration and emulation especially with all the powerful forces that want their marriage to fail with a motivation that ranges from racism to envy. The world should support the success of Harry and Meghan. Hence, I celebrate Netflix for its deal with the couple. Their love and family represent something very noble that the young and old can aspire to especially in a time like these when the world is so divided along political, religious, and ethnic lines. Corporate bodies and even the United Nations and her subsidiaries should emulate Netflix giving them responsibilities and sponsorship that will show to evil and unreasonable men and women who hate this couple for their diversity and love that love always wins.

Ata Ukuta, Editor – www.towncryyers.com