Reno Omokri, Virgins, Side Chics & Nation Building

Reno Omokri
Reno Omokri

Last week I was surprised to see a Reno Omokri Twitter post where he declared that bride price is only meant for virgins according to the Bible. This post has been loved more than five thousand times on his page and has generated a lot of commentaries. On Instablog, the comments are running into tens of thousands. Even feminists who are clamoring for the eradication of bride price are at war with Mr. Omokri. Surprisingly, some women are validating his post. While some men are declaring that they are now ready to marry since they can now marry nonvirgin without paying a bride price. On a serious note, chastity is becoming an uncelebrated virtue. Some good girls are even coaxed by their friends into relationships that end as soon as the guy gets what he is looking for – sex. In time past, extramarital affairs were a grave taboo. In some tribes, cheating spouses even die mysteriously. Those days are gone. The advent of DNA test to confirm paternity has ended many marriages because of the rife cases of unfaithfulness among married men and women. It was reported that the US Embassy in Nigeria usually beef up their security whenever DNA results were announced for prospective travelers and their supposed children.

In another recent post, Reno Omokri was tackled by a slay queen and he declared his faithfulness to his wife from the day of their marriage to date. And went ahead to challenge anyone who thinks otherwise to prove him wrong. The more I thought about his claim of faithfulness to his wife and boldness of challenging anyone to prove him wrong, the more my respect for him grew. This is a rarity in this time and age where some cultures even celebrate men for being a lady’s man. In this Viagra charged era, to find a man who has never cheated on his wife deserves an award. This is because unfaithfulness by any partner, sow seeds that mature into divorce and children who are also predisposed to act like their cheating parents. This initiates a circle of broken marriages, homes, children, and ultimately a nation without coercion. Every good or great outcome is accompanied by great sacrifices. Most couples underestimate or outrightly do not know the role the outcome of their marriage and children play in their happiness at middle or old age, hence, do not put in the work. Most men put so much effort in breadwinning without planning for adequate parenting that can produce happy, hardworking, and law-abiding citizens.

Omokri and his wife

The value systems in any community rely heavily on the value system of the individuals and families that make up such a community. A nation is as good or bad as the citizens. The corruption we want to fight in Nigeria must start from the individual to the family, communities, and the nation. We will continue to deceive ourselves if we think marital fidelity is not related to corrupt practices in government. If parents bribe their children’s way into Federal Government Colleges, what do they expect from such children when they become adults? If girls date married men, what do they expect their future husband to do? If boys become pimps to their sisters or female friends, what do they expect their future wives to become? The social fabric of every society and nation that is built on immorality or on unethical behaviors is not sustainable. It might be difficult to draw a line between a great nation and the moral attributes of her citizens. Yet, thinking about it objectively, you will arrive at the conclusion that there is no way our present ways in Nigeria can lead us into a sustainable era of peace and prosperity. Every facet of our lives needs a surgical operation. Even religious leaders who ordinarily should lead the way to our redemption are often found wanting. So, how do we come out from this quagmire? It is an insider job. We must cure ourselves first. Deciding to become a faithful husband, that sets good examples for your children that will lead to a peaceful and loving home can be a starting point. This starting point of marital fidelity can become the bedrock with which we lay the foundation for a corruption-free, peaceful, and prosperous new nation.

Ata Ukuta, Editor –