I Want To Be George Clooney’s Friend

George Clooney
George Clooney

One of the most heartwarming stories of this year so far according to my reasoning, is the story of Hollywood actor George Clooney gifting his friends one million US dollars each. This gesture illustrates how humane we could be as humans. In this cutthroat world and age where most of us are thinking of what to get, to see someone giving freely without any compunction is a rarity. The rule for most people who are givers is to give when there is a situation that prompts or preempts their compassion. Cases include when a friend or family member has health challenges or is experiencing a crisis that requires financial intervention. Those who made the lucky list of individuals George Clooney consider as friends would be grateful to God if they are religious or their good fortune if they are not. Those who did not make the list and were formerly friends with the actor would curse the day their friendship ended or became lukewarm. They would continue to imagine what they could have done with a friendly one million dollars. As I ruminated on the status of the thinking of his certified and uncertified friends, I could not help myself from analyzing my friends and my friendliness.

I remembered the Bible verse in Proverbs 18 verse 24 that says “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” This is a proverb that is often on my mind whenever I think of my friends. And I have been fortunate to have quite a handful of great friends who I can re-enact what George Clooney did when I have such funds. And I was also thinking, if I have been a good friend to those, I call my friends in such a way that they can gift me one million if they can afford it. Sincerely, I was not super sure if I can enjoy such a gesture from my friends because of how friendly I have been. As we relocate from our hometowns far away from our childhood friends and make new friends, levels of loyalty and commitment diminish, and sometimes lines of communication are obliterated. Happenings within or outside our control also change the coloration of our friendships. Those we once call best friends could become outright enemies or toxic competitors. To nurture friendship for decades that can withstand the test of time is increasingly becoming difficult especially for men.

Psychologists have long linked women’s longevity to their social connections. Women generally have a better friends and family management system. Men are often more concerned about revenue generation and consequently neglect their network of friends after marriage or relocation. Often the more successful ones, make new more successful friends at the expense of the old and time-tested friends. As I was writing this, I questioned my faithfulness with my childhood friends. Friends who contributed to who I am today. Friends whose closeness to God made me a better Christian. Friends whose educational seriousness in secondary school helped my educational prowess. Friends whose focus on talent development helped in making me develop and deploy my talents as best as I could. Yes, the list of influences from our friends is long and detailed. Many are drug addicts today because of the wrong friends. Many are faithful husbands today because of friends who are faithful and God-fearing husbands who saw extramarital affairs as evil and unreasonable. Many successful individuals like George Clooney are professionals today because their friends helped in pointing them on the right path. So, if you have been lucky enough to have great or good friends, be like George Clooney in the small or big way you can.

Ata Ukuta, Editor  – www.towncryyers.com

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