Mr. Eazi And How To Marry A Billionaire’s Daughter

Temi Otedola and Mr. Eazi
Temi Otedola and Mr. Eazi

How easy it is for a young man to capture the heart of a billionaire’s daughter, and the billionaire would be the one urging the daughter for marriage to the young man. This is the interesting drama that played out between Billionaire Femi Otedola and his daughter Temi on social media. He publicly asked her, “when una go marry?” And she exclaimed “Papa”, politely telling him to take it easy. I smiled at this interchange because it was like a fairy-tale or a Nollywood movie. Most young men would do untold things to be in the shoes of Oluwatosin Ajibade, popularly known as Mr. Eazi. Not only is he dating a beautiful billionaire’s daughter, but he also has the tacit approval of her father to commence marriage proceedings. For many who think Mr. Eazi is lucky to find himself in such a rare situation, think again. Because as much as most of us believe in destiny and fate, our lives are controlled or dictated by our thoughts, actions, and inactions. For starters, Femi Otedola would not be publicly asking his daughter such a question if the prospective son-in-law was a nonentity. He would not be asking this question if Mr. Eazi has displayed attributes that would endanger his daughter’s happiness. So, what makes Mr. Eazi such an eligible bachelor or candidate for his daughter? Singlehood is arguably the most crucial time in our lives. It is the time to beautify your life educationally or vocationally. It is the time to solidify yourself emotionally and be matured enough to handle crisis. And it is the time to intensify your hustle to prepare a soft landing for your spouse and children. This is most likely what the billionaire has seen in his prospective son-in-law. Hence, the unprecedented public push for marriage.

We are the architects of our lives. Though some choices are beyond our control like the choice of our parents, tribe, nation, or race, the good news is that individuals from all parental or racial permutations have lived wholesome and successful lives. Having said this, one of the most important decisions or choices that perhaps have the most positively or negatively disrupting consequences is marriage. And this is a decision that must not be taken in a hurry. This is also a decision that should not be made alone. If you are a Christian, pray fervently with fasting for days seeking God’s face for guidance. Loving parents must be carried along, and their concerns investigated and addressed. Trusted confidants who have a history of sound judgment should be consulted. This is more so because of the growing cases of divorce resulting from resolvable conflicts. Divorce not only scar the couple, but the children are worse off. And the community bears the final brunt in children who may become delinquents because of improper or lopsided upbringing. These are the thoughts you should ruminate about before enrolling into the marriage institution where you get a certificate before writing any examination. Do not rush into this life-defining institution just because you have a job, you are old enough, or you are under pressure from family, friends, or your prospective partner.

For those who still desire to marry a millionaire or billionaire’s daughter or son, know that such a marriage does not guarantee wealth for you or your family. Most made men or women are street smart and can smell a rat miles away. They know gold diggers even before they start digging, and if they cannot truncate your move, they might do all to truncate your vision of abundant life, if their daughter is carried away by your sweet words and persistence. Though life can be hard, especially if you are not born with a silver spoon. Nonetheless, a good percentage of the wealthy were not born into wealth. Instead of dreaming and strategizing about how to win the heart of a rich kid, why not use your days as a single man or woman to create the foundation or streams of income that would make you a rich Dad or Mum. Every day individuals are writing their names into the rich list by the exploitation of their God-given talents. Wherever you live, there are opportunities. Exploit them. Whatever race or gender you belong to, you can achieve your dreams. There are many examples of forerunners before you who have achieved what seemed impossible. The world is waiting for you to man up or woman up. Waiting or looking for a rich man or woman to marry is a total waste of your innate endowments.

Ata Ukuta, Editor –

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