2 Simple Ways to Add a Gratitude Practice to Your Day

Photo by Edwin Andrade
Photo by Edwin Andrade

It’s one of our most powerful emotions.

By Thrive Global

We’re all taught as children to say “thank you” and show appreciation for others. But gratitude is a very powerful emotion, and cultivating a practice of being thankful can have a big impact on our physical and mental health. And it doesn’t have to be big — it can be gratitude for your friends or family, a person who made you smile, a piece of nature that gives you joy, or just gratitude for being alive.

Here are two easy tips to add the power of gratitude to your life.

Keep a gratitude journal

 “Keep a gratitude journal where you can log things you are thankful for, as well as quotes that inspire you.”

—Amanda Vaillancourt, Pinellas Park, FL

Use habit-stacking — adding one habit, like gratitude, onto an existing habit

“When I’m brushing my teeth, I say three things I’m grateful for. Each night I compliment myself out loud for things I’ve done well, for example: “Good job on not losing your patience when Forrest pulled your hair!”

—Kyla Fleming, Bentonville, AR