Reno Omokri And Natasha Akpoti

Natasha Akpoti
Natasha Akpoti

The recent saga between Reno Omokri and Natasha Akpoti, the former gubernatorial candidate of Kogi State, reminded me of the story between the ex-stripper Stephanie and Apostle Suleman. When the accusations of sexual misconduct were skewed and weaponized by many constituted and un-constituted authorities. To date, some still erroneously feel Apostle Suleman could have handled the situation involving the stripper differently and that his hands might not be clean. The present accusations leveled against Reno Omokri are a reminder that there are evil and unreasonable men and women who are on the prowl, and we must all be careful of our hard-earned reputation. In the past, many men have concluded that when a lady says no when they are together alone, she does not really mean no. She is most likely playing hard to get. If a guy narrates an experience where a girl visits without succumbing to his sexual advances, his friends will most likely call him a weakling. Those days are gone. And should be gone for good. When a lady says no, her no should be taken as a NO with a full stop. And an exclamation mark! Also, all interactions with the opposite sex in private and public must be done with utmost circumspection.

Presently, the two most famous Cuomos in the United States are experiencing the results of the indiscretion of their past. Andrew Cuomo lost his office and reputation as governor of New York. His younger brother, Chris Cuomo would be lucky if he does not lose his position at CNN because of sexual misconduct. The sexual misconducts of R. Kelly, one of the most gifted musicians in this century have ultimately derailed his life. Even if he comes out from his present predicaments, his reputation cannot be reset. It is almost impossible to presently hear on radio R. Kelly’s great songs in many countries because of these misdeeds. This same fate almost befell the king of Pop, Michael Jackson. Bill Clinton suffered a rare impeachment partly because of his sexual misconduct with Monica Lewinsky. The list goes on and on because, in the past, the line between what is permissible and what is totally unacceptable was not clearly drawn. And many men are guilty of this indiscretion if a microscope is focused on past deeds.

This is the reason why all men must be super-careful. The way Reno Omokri showed evidence of his innocence and exposed the criminal accusations of Natasha Akpoti is a lesson for those who are ready to learn. Being the controversially courageous public figure that he has been since his appointment by former President Goodluck Jonathan, coupled with his achievements and good looks, he is an item on the hit list of many. The issue that brought Natasha Akpoti into this present happening, was a single lady who is romantically interested in Reno Omokri. His brutal response to the lady who wanted him as a Sugar Daddy was seen by many as harsh and inappropriate. The many social media replies and comments, metamorphosed into the false accusation that should land Natasha Akpoti in jail for falsehood, especially as she is a lawyer who knows the implications of false accusations. If Reno Omokri had not had hard evidence to show, the lawyer Natasha might have had her ways and soiled Omokri’s reputation. If Omokri is in Nigeria, probably, Buhari’s aides would have swung into action with the connivance of the Kogi State Governor – Yahaya Bello funding the lies of the Kogi-born politician Natasha, to swiftly arrest the Buhari Tormentor – Reno Omokri for some cooked up related offenses. In this time and age, honesty and faithfulness are unarguably the best policy.

Ata Ukuta, Editor – Towncryyers