Why Donald Trump Might End Up In Jail?

If you ask most Donald Trump’s supporters why he is facing the charges he is standing trial for, the chorus will be that the Democrats are afraid of him contesting in the next presidential election. And the possibility of him winning not only the Republican primaries but the general election. Few will step beyond this fact to ask the follow-up question: is Donald Trump guilty of the charges against him? To many, the later question is irrelevant and therein lies Donald Trump’s strength. His ability to galvanize his political base to see the small picture and to see him as the messiah. And his ability to make his supporters to exclude him from the criteria we generally use to scrutinize public office holders. This uncanny ability of Trump gives him the possibility of returning to the White House.

I recently had a conversation with a Donald Trump supporter who is a Christian and supports him because of the liberalization dismantling the traditional values, belief systems and definitions of American society which has a multiplier effect in the western world and the world at large. He highlighted the fact that Trump is arguably the only politician that can stop this movement that is disrupting family life across the world. A transgender woman recently broke a sporting record in Canada, and many observers sighted the blind move by liberals to change the basic definition that defines who we are as a people or if you like species as another reason why Trump should be re-elected. The changes Donald Trump made in the Supreme Court of the United States was also sighted as what has kept America from becoming a nation where the minority dictates the value system of the majority.

As Christians would say, we are in perilous times. However, we must not get things twisted and focus on the small picture. If we are objective, we would conclude that if the United States was an African, Middle Eastern, or an Asian nation, Donald Trump would have overturned or canceled the last Presidential election to remain in power. And the march to Capitol Hill that took the lives of law enforcement personnel was fueled or even masterminded by Trump and his acolytes. And he is arguably guilty as charged. This is the simple reason why he might end up in jail like as he wished Hilary Clinton. Other reasons why he might be found guilty is because of the forces against him. The legal brains and authority against him cannot be equaled easily. From Vice-president Kamala Harris to Barack Obama, Bill and Hilary Clinton who are lawyers, and legal authorities who understand how the judiciary with all its imperfection works, it is most likely that Donald Trump will achieve another first ingloriously as the first President of the United States to end up in jail. Finally, Trump is not dedicated to anyone or any cause. He is just interested in promoting himself and enterprises, a fact some Republican leaders might hold to “betray” him.

Ata Ukuta – Editor, Towncryyers

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