
How to Move Forward After Experiencing a Setback

When we confront our mistakes and embrace them, we can use our moments of disappointment to propel us forward. By Bryan Robinson, Ph.D Inner dialogue has awesome power. It can make you think you can…

Makeup Sex

The Psychology of Makeup Sex

The dynamics of sexual intimacy after conflicts. By David Ludden Ph.D. A new couple having their first fight is a common trope in romantic comedies. Voices rise, fingers wag, and each partner unleashes a tirade…


10 Habits of Highly Resilient People

And how you can develop these traits if you don’t have them. By Bryan E. Robinson Ph.D. “Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.”—Paul Brandt It’s not accidental…


What Are The Roots Of Your Self-Esteem?

How do people end up with low or high self-esteem? It goes back to childhood. By Sarah-Len Mutiwasekwa Self-esteem is a person’s subjective assessment of his or her worth to himself or herself. Self-esteem covers…


Creativity Requires Taking Risks

A new study shows the importance of intellectual and social risk-taking. By Zorana Ivcevic Pringle Ph.D. A new study from an international team of researchers published in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts shows…


3 Conversation Topics to Spark a Relationship

Easy ways to break the ice personally and professionally. By Wendy L. Patrick, JD, Ph.D Whether it is a new neighbor, classmate, colleague at work, or potential romantic interest, you always consider the best ways…

Feeling Sad

Feeling Sad During Hard Times Is Not Depression

If we weren’t sad right now, something would be wrong. By Alison Escalante M.D. These are heavy times. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep the globe and has reached unprecedented numbers in America, we…

Burning Out

3 Ways To Be Indispensable At Work Without Burning Out

Calling all overachievers. By Mallory Stratton, Senior Product Content Editor at Thrive Global “I couldn’t have done this without you.” Those words, when they come out of a manager’s mouth, may be music to our…