Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

How Partners Commit Relationship Sabotage

Defensiveness, difficulty with trust, and more. By Mark Travers Ph.D. A new study in the Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy explains how the instinct to destroy our own relationships is rooted in the urge…

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

12 Reasons Why Couples Break Up

Research shows that relationship problems follow predictable patterns. By Mark Travers Ph.D. Many people come to therapy when their relationship is on the brink of collapse. They ask questions like: ·  “Should I have seen…

Photo by Cut in A Moment on Unsplash

3 Keys To A Successful Long-Distance Relationship

Are we too quick to dismiss the long-distance option? By Mark Travers Ph.D. Many people come to therapy wondering if their relationship is going to survive geographical separation. They may ask questions like: ·  “I…

JayZ and Bey

5 Ways To Immunize A Relationship

1. Nurture it like a living, breathing thing. By George S. Everly, Jr. PhD, ABPP, FACLP As I write this, my youngest daughter is preparing for her wedding day. In fact, we just went through…

Photo by Christina @

4 Questions To Ask For Better Conversations

How to uncover the patterns of thinking that serve or hinder us in conversation. By Chuck Wisner Every day we engage in conversations rooted in ritual and social norms. With no conscious effort, we shift…

Photo by Kadarius Seegars on Unsplash

Love, Make-up Sex, And The Silent Treatment

Consider the benefits to kissing and making up. By Rita Watson MPH While I am a believer in love, marriage, and Valentine’s Day, for too many overworked couples life today is not about hearts and…

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

3 Big Reasons Why People Fall Out of Love

… and how to bring back that loving feeling. By Jeffrey Bernstein Ph.D. Giana and Greg felt like life was magical at the beginning of their relationship. How is it that all their smiles, laughter, and…


6 Science-Based Self-Improvement Tips

We’re best served by focusing on the parts of us that are the most changeable. By Tchiki Davis, Ph.D. Self-improvement can involve improving any aspect of the self—for example, personal qualities, skills, and even the…